Purr Therapy

(Despite REALLY needing to pee) I am covered in fluffy warm kittens and feel content mentally. Cat people will understand that your misery MUST be brutal to wake sleeping cats and until it is,well,your bladder can wait😜

I bathed today. Put on clean clothes. Scooped litter boxes. Took out trash. Ran an errand. Cooked cheeseburgers. Considering my bloating belly issue and paranoid anxiety for 10 plus hours,I am going to call it a goals met day. I even remembered to call my mom for her bday and she answered for once.

Check out her cake🤣🤣🤣

We are entering a cold snap in single digits for several days so totally basking in all this kitten warmth.

And having said that,the traitors bailed on me🤣 NOW I can go pee. Priorities.

I think one of the most mentally healthy things I taught myself to do is stop chasing this notion of ‘happy’. It’s self defeating and breaks your heart. Instead,I seek contentment. So even on the most absolute shit days,I can feel some semblance of happiness. Be it warm kittens or a good burger,contentment can be felt. And in a black depression,that passes for happy.

I did that. Despite my borderline issues,bipolar,depression,anxiety,and darkness…I taught myself a crucial coping skill.

As long as we’re learning and growing,our mental shit is just a stumbling block,not some statement about being a lost cause.

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