Finch Self Care App

Not one of my better days. Cold and gloomy,no money to go do anything,isolated here in the rural sticks…for four years. During a pandemic that never ends. Crippled with depression and anxiety. Raising an ADHD depressed trans kid on my own. No support in any way. No friends.I cannot even connect to people online for whatever reason.

I am all alone. And I am so very lonely.

For awhile I thought I was just bored. But it is more than that. I am an introverted loner but over 4 years of rural life and pandemic…I have become more isolated than a death row inmate. And it is sad and it sucks but I don’t know how t

My way of helping myself,since my kid pretty much shuns me for everything but buying,cooking,cleaning,and driving,is a self care app with a virtual pet who needs me.

My baby finch is named Pasha. I energize’ her to go on daily adventures by completing self care tasks. By breathing,with the app. Listening to soothing water and rain sounds. Setting goals and completing them. Reflecting. Expressing gratitude. Today,I did dishes and Pasha returned earlier from her adventure. She told me how the world was so much bigger than the egg she hatched from but because I told her it was good to have so much room to explore,she saw it as fun rather than scary.

It may sound silly for a 49 year old woman but it kind of helps. Yes,I have a kid and cats but they are here and expect me to meet their needs,period. My finch pet is give and take. I want her to learn so I am kind to myself. I talk about feeling sad,she gets energized for her next adventure. I get stressed,I do the breathing or water sounds,Pasha gains by me taking self care steps.

Am I a whirlwind? No. Is my loneliness cured? No. Still panicked and depressed. BUT,I am setting 3 daily goals the night before I am fulfilling the tasks,I am caring for my virtual pet AND myself.

It’s something and it counts.

One Response to “Finch Self Care App”

  1. rubycommenting Says:

    Loved your post! It sounds like you and I have some things in common except that I don’t have kids. That looks like a very cute app! I had lived in rural areas before so I know about the isolation. Can you maybe attend some zoom groups online?

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